Luke 21
Luke 22
Luke 23
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Luke 24
“Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Used by permission.”
Note on the Parable of the Good Samaritan:
Luke 10:30 “…A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell upon robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead.”
Both the priest and the Levite, veered away from him and passed by on the other side of the road, obviously they hardened their hearts against any compassion that would normally rise up in their hearts toward the man. Also, obviously, the motive for their hardened heart was their unwillingness to take what they had, both time and effort, and so share these with him.
Now in what ways might this translate into our present lives?
Firstly, the circumstance of the man robbed:
One such circumstance is:
Christians are robbed by the devil and left half dead in the road, when he robs them of the truth that connects their hope to the power of God. This power of His Spirit (Grace) is the favor of God that empowers him to live up to the character of righteous living, the very standard of excellence the word of God portrays. This is what is preached in the Law of Love, the 10 Commandments that was referred to as what a man must do to inherit Eternal Life, mentioned in the preceding verses Luke 10:25-29. Which Jesus Himself agreed was true. Note: This is not stating that we are able to become righteous in God’s eyes by the motive of our own human love, to keep the horizontal commands of Loving our neighbor as ourselves. But our human love is what we are to use to love God with; as we are commanded, to love the Lord our God with all of the strength of our heart, meaning, this is something we can do, or else He would not command us to do it. Then when we have loved Him with all of our heart, thereby giving Him all of our heart, He, throughout scripture promises to give us a New Heart, His Own Heart. This New Heart we are then commanded to go out and Love our neighbor with.
When we do this, giving Him our whole heart, we enter into covenant with Him and He us, as this then is the requirement He has set up for our relationship of intimacy with Himself.
Christ in us is now our Hope for Glory! But now He expects us to fulfill His righteousness in the world by Living out His Love in the world. This is not us showing our neighbors our love, for our human love, heart, we give to God alone. But rather we Live on this earth, newly freshened every day, by filling ourselves daily with the Oil of His Holy Spirit daily, and thereby empowered with His Righteousness to Love our neighbor like we just did ourselves. And how did we just love ourselves? Did we love ourselves with our human love? No, for we are to die to loving ourselves with our own love, for he who seeks to save “his” life will lose it, but he who loses “his” life for my sake will find, “New Life.” How do we lose our life for His sake? By giving it to Him, for “our heart” is our life.
One way this can apply to our present day is:
The man in the parable who was robbed, was robbed of his faith that he could Live by God’s Love. He had God’s Love in him, but he was robbed of doing it. So he was half dead. He listened to the false teachers/preachers who told him he can’t be perfect and actually Live by the righteousness of Christ in him.
The “Glory,” in “hope of glory” is to the take out of the closet of our hearts, the money (talents), of heaven, which is the righteousness of Christ, and do business with it here on earth, and so clothing ourselves with Christ’s righteousness so the world can see our Lord through our deeds. Thereby we glorify God in the world, and we have clothed ourselves with Christ and so then we are “In Christ.”
First we, love Him with all of our heart.
Then He, gives us His Heart of Love (compassion).
Then we, do business with His Love and gain more (talents parable), and so bring God Glory.
Then Christ, when He returns, rewards us with the very righteous acts, we did for Him. And we are given these as Righteous Robes when we are presented to Him as His bride. These White Robes of Righteous Deeds, we will wear throughout eternity, and are our tents (eternal homes) that He has prepared for us. Yes, they are; for “He” prepared them, from heaven, for us by directing, empowering us by His Holy Spirit as “we” obeyed and followed Him, here on earth.
The robbers who have robbed the Church of Truth, are those who teach that as long as we have accepted Christ at one time, that we don’t have to do anything, we are saved no matter what. Their condemnation is just (their condemnation is their justified reward)!
For the righteous, are those who “Live by Faith”, or, “The righteous are those who live out their faith” And thus fulfill the righteousness of Christ, The Law of Christ, The words of Christ.
If not, those who lay around thinking they don’t have to do anything, will shrink away from Him in shame at His coming. And will be thrown out, as the man with no wedding clothes was in the parable of the the “King who gave a wedding feast”
Almost every parable of Jesus speaks to these truths I am citing here. But most will go on hearing but not understand, and seeing but not comprehend. Why? Simply because they don’t want to. I say, “I don’t expect you to believe me, but just ask God if this is correct.” Their answer? “I don’t need to” for I am objective and I will not subject myself to Christ, the Holy Spirit. They have no understanding of the words, objective and subjective.